10 Apps That Instantly Boost Your Productivity

August 7, 2014 • Devin Partida


If you have access to recent technology, your possibilities for productivity are endless. Most people have their smart phones or tablets on them at all times, so it makes sense that you’d want to use your phone to help organize your life a little more.

Apps are tools that can help make your day run a little smoother. While there are some that can eat away at your time — I’m guilty of playing 2048 on my phone nonstop — try to avoid downloading them so you can take advantage of the worthwhile apps.

1. Inkflow (Price: Free)

While some people organize their thoughts with words, others use images. Inkflow lets you keep track of your ideas by physically writing them down. Whether you have to draw diagrams for class or use visuals in your notes, this productivity app is just for you. Once you’re done with your notes, you can export them into a JPEG or PDF format to put on other devices.

2. Scraps (Price: $0.99)

Scraps is the perfect app if you jot notes on the go. You can organize your notes into different categories and reference back to them later. For example, you can keep track of quotes, movie suggestions or ideas for your latest story. You can also store images in this app.

3. Habit List (Price: $2.99)

If you’re trying to form good habits, you should have downloaded this app yesterday. Habit List helps you keep track of your goals and keeps you focused on forming the habits you want to form. It’s color-coded — green is a hot streak, while red means you need to get back on track — and sends you reminders of your tasks for the day. It’s simple and easy to use.

4. Daedalus Touch (Price: $0.99)

Daedalus Touch is another writing app, but its features make it stand out from other apps. Instead of documents you have stacks, and in each stack are an infinite number of pages that you can access with the swipe of your finger. Additionally, you can personalize each stack with different fonts and you can sync your stacks with your Cloud.

mobile apps

5. Free-Time (Price: $2.99)

While we are searching to make the most of our time, it’s good to know how much free time we have each day. Free-Time searches your calendar to see how much time each day you have to yourself. This can be useful for budgeting your time accordingly or figuring out when you’re free to schedule that important appointment of yours. From there you can send out texts or emails stating when you’re available.

6. Dropbox (Price: Free)

Gone are the days where you have to email your notes or save them to a data stick. Dropbox lets you access documents, photos or videos anywhere. Although you only get 3G of room for free, if you’ve got a lot of information to take on the go you can pay for more space.

7. Evernote (Price: Free, premium features cost additional fees)

Evernote has been praised as one of the best apps for productivity. Whether you’re taking pages worth of notes or want to write a quick blurb, Evernote will keep track of it — and then sync it with your other devices. You can record audio or video and capture images for your use as well. It can even connect to your other apps.

8. 1Password (Price: $17.99)

Every time you forget a password, you waste time trying to find it and eventually resetting it. Don’t let the large price tag for 1Password scare you away. 1Password keeps track of your passwords while generating strong passwords — meaning you don’t have to use the same three passwords for all of your accounts. Your 1Password is protected with a password only you know, so your passwords will be safe.

9. GoodReader (Price: $4.99)

GoodReader is more than just a PDF viewer. In addition to accessing your PDFs, you can also annotate them. Need to sign a document? You can do that with GoodReader. Additionally, you can sync your documents with your Dropbox and your Googledocs, so your document is always backed up — and you can access them from these places too.

10. Remember the Milk (Price: Free)

This is another great productivity app for list keeping. You can organize your tasks to help prioritize them, and if you think of another task to do you can easily add it into your list. Every 24 hours the list gets backed up online, so if anything happens to your phone you still have access to list you made.

Image by Jason Howie


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