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Gaming Laptop vs. Desktop: Which Is Better?
Many people will tell you that a PC is the best way to elevate your gaming experience. Before you buy anything, though, there’s another issue to deal with — should you get a laptop or…
15 Best Single-Player PC Games
When you want to immerse yourself in a story — or your friends simply aren’t online — playing some of the best single-player PC games is the way to go. Whether you’re in the mood…
The Best Gaming Laptop for Every Budget in 2024
PC gaming can get expensive. Laptops tend to run a little cheaper, but even this category can quickly get pricey, and you’ll likely deal with some lower specs. That can make it hard to find…
The Best 2-Player Games for PC: Co-Op and Competitive
With more games than any other option, PC is undoubtedly the best platform for single-player games. You’ll also find more massive multiplayer and battle royale games here than on console. But what about two-player games…
10 Best Gaming PCs: Builds for Every Budget
Are you long overdue for a setup upgrade? Have you finally saved up enough to get your dream rig? Do you want a PC but need help figuring out where to start? Whatever your answers…
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