How to Use Biohacking to Be More Productive

August 2, 2018 • Rehack Team


 Relatively small lifestyle changes — such as getting more sleep or eating less junk food — can drastically affect how you feel. That’s the concept behind biohacking, the collective name for the act of tweaking things for better health and living as the optimal version of yourself.

Generally Safe and Potentially Unsafe Options

One kind of biohacking typically viewed as safe is called nutrigenomics. It involves learning how certain foods and stimuli affect your body, then making changes to boost the likelihood of positive, desirable outcomes.

However, when researching this topic, you might also hear about do-it-yourself biology (DIYBio) and grinder biohacking. DIYBio involves citizen scientists and other interested individuals building labs and doing biological experiments on others or themselves, while also using similar techniques to those widely accepted in formal scientific communities.

The latter kind is a subset of DIYBio that requires adding implants to the body or engaging in chemical manipulations. The people who practice it often want to push their bodies to their limits and use untested — or at least alternative technologies or methods — to do so.

The movement of “grinders” started in 1998 when a cybernetics professor from Reading University implanted an RFID tag into his arm that allowed him to turn on lights by snapping his fingers. Grinders are tech enthusiasts who want to see if technology could help their bodies do things better than ever. However, some bodily modifications are not for the squeamish.

While some people argue that DIYBio promotes innovation, the unregulated nature of the industry poses potential safety risks. Many of the people participating do not have ethics training and get treatments or experiments carried out in casual environments that could be unsanitary.

Below, we’ll focus on nutrigenomics and four ways you could use it to enhance productivity.

1. Take an At-Home Genetics Test

You’ve probably heard about genealogy tests that require spitting into a vial, then sending your saliva off for analysis. The results will then reveal which parts of the world your ancestors likely came from.

Some such tests go further and suggest how to eat based your genetic responses, which is one of the central concepts behind nutrigenomics. Perhaps you always hit a productivity slump after eating starchy foods. The dietary advice in your genetic testing results could confirm you should indeed avoid them because your body doesn’t process those consumables well.

Nutritional experts say worthwhile personalized diets require more than genetic information. However, these tests could encourage people to pause and realize the effects of eating well or consuming specific foods versus others.

Similarly, your health habits can reveal specific facts about your life. If you often take quick showers, that could mean you don’t allow enough time for getting other things done, making your shower periods extra rushed.

2. Research the Health-Boosting Effects of Common Foods

Although there’s value in focusing on or steering clear of some foods based on your genetics, it’s also useful to learn about foods that are good for anyone to eat — and particularly those that connect to your productivity goals.

In 2017, Statista collected data that revealed 41 percent of workforce members in the U.S. between the ages of 41 and 60 took sick days. Regardless of your age, you’ve probably experienced how being away from work disrupts your productivity flow by making it hard to catch up on missed time.

When looking at the health benefits of foods, then, you might aim to cook more with radishes, broccoli and raspberries — all three have immune system-boosting properties.

3. Watch Your Posture

Bad posture makes your muscles tight and could cause chronic pain. Discomfort hurts productivity, too. As you discover actionable ways to improve how you feel, pay attention to your posture — especially when you’ve been sitting for extended periods.

Stabilize your spine by squeezing your gluteal muscles while breathing out and pulling your ribcage down. Next, engage your abs slightly — by 20 percent — and align your ears with your shoulders while imagining someone pulling you up on a string attached to the top of your head.

4. Prioritize Relaxation

This discussion isn’t complete without mental health tips and tricks to help you live your best. Relaxation is crucial in our fast-paced world. If you’re overly stressed, it’ll impact your life in ways you might not expect.

Set aside time in your day for relaxation, and you’ll likely find the downtime boosts your productivity. During your relaxing periods, turn off your mobile phone or other distractions.

Biohacking: Your Way to a Better Life

With this list of tips, you’ll be off to a great start as you discover how relatively small changes could make a big difference in how you feel. As a result, you could get more done every day.
