Improve Attention Span and Focus Using These 10 Tips

March 27, 2018 • Rehack Team


People of all ages can face challenges trying to improve attention span. It can be brought on in young kids who can’t focus in school, and sometimes continues throughout their lives. It’s a frustrating thing to have to deal with, and it can cause many negative side effects. Low self-esteem, anger and feelings of depression can all be common in people who feel like there’s no way to improve their attention span or focus.

Now that so many people have access to the internet, there’s no limit to the good that people can do. The internet allows you to look up your symptoms and find professional help at the click of a button, or even communicate with others who are struggling with the same challenges. The same goes for those who want to improve attention span! Plenty of people are wondering why this happens and how to fix it.

If you spend some time reading up on ways you can improve attention span and focus, you may soon find you have the tools you need to no longer struggle with your attention span. Try a few of these tricks out for yourself to see what works!

1. Guide Your Mind

How will you know what your mind should focus on if you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing? Guiding your mind is all about having a game plan. If you know that finishing one task will lead to the next, you’ll be more motivated to focus and get your work done.

2. Lower Your Anxiety

It’s easy to lose your focus when your anxiety is at an all-time high. Those feelings of panic can cause second-guessing and become a huge distraction. For those times when you know your anxiety is the culprit, practice your breathing skills to slow your heart rate and your mind. Then you’ll more easily be able to control your focus.

3. Unplug for a Bit

Speaking of distractions, almost anyone can be distracted by a social media notification, or even just by seeing the app on their screen. Maybe all you need to improve your attention span is to unplug. Turn your phone on silent and leave it in the other room. Work by hand and not on your computer. Anything that removes the internet and all the ways you can procrastinate on it may help.

4. Try a New Challenge

Scientists around the globe study the brain, and they’ve created tests and games to help work your mind. If you try a new focus challenge, you’ll make your mind bend in new ways, which might open the gateway to free yourself of distressing thoughts or distractions.

5. Say Hello to Caffeine

When you find yourself struggling to focus, have you had your morning cup of coffee yet? Studies have shown that even a small cup of coffee can jumpstart your brain and help your attention span. Try drinking coffee or caffeinated tea when your mind is sluggish to see if it makes a difference for you.

6. Press Play

Some people say that having music on in the background helps them study or focus on work, and it turns out that there’s science behind that. Music can help you focus depending on what genre you choose. Try to pick something without words, like classical or spa music that will help calm you.

7. Double-Check the Thermostat

When you’re doing your best to focus on something important, you may naturally block other things out. Temperature is one of them. If it’s too hot or too cold, your subconscious might decide to push through it even though you’re uncomfortable. Think about the temperature of where you’re trying to focus and adjust it as needed so that you’re at ease.

8. Don’t Forget to Take Breaks

Think of study breaks like this: even though you might want to drive a far distance, your car still needs to stop for gas sometimes. Let your brain breathe with the occasional break. If you give your mind a healthy break away from working hard, you’ll have more energy to devote to focusing when you return.

9. Doodle Your Heart Out

If what you’re trying to do is listen to something for an extended period, try doodling to help you focus. It may seem counterproductive at first. However, studies have shown that doodling helps you recall more information. You’ll likely daydream less and listen more.

10. Exercise a Bit

It’s always good to get up and stretch if you’ve been doing one thing for an extended period, so try to fit a little bit of exercise into your routine. Exercise causes the birth of new brain cells, which aids in developing a better memory and attention span. Just a few minutes of jogging every day can transform your mind.

When you’re finding it impossible to focus on anything, don’t lose hope. There’s always a way to get help, and you can try a few tricks out for yourself! You might find that they help you in the long run so you can get work done in a breeze and never have to worry about your attention span again.
