Boosting Your Energy Without Caffeine

May 8, 2018 • Rehack Team


Would you like to increase your energy without caffeine?

It takes about 1.6 billion cups of coffee to get the planet up and running each morning, according to the International Coffee Organization. That’s how many mugs the world’s population downs on a daily basis.

A statistic like that makes it hard to believe that energy without caffeine is possible — and even harder to believe that someone who’s addicted to their java could live without it.

But if you count yourself among those coffee lovers, you should consider cutting back. Because caffeine is a natural stimulant — a psychoactive drug — consuming it in excess can result in negative side effects.

If you drink more than 500 or 600 milligrams of caffeine daily, somewhere between four and eight cups, research says you might be restless, anxious, irritable or even afflicted with insomnia or tremors. Now does energy without caffeine sound more appealing?

If you’re ready to cut back on your coffee intake and find ways to derive natural energy without caffeine, here are a few tips to help you get started.

Eat Energizing Foods

All foods provide energy in one form or another, but certain vitamins and minerals can have a direct effect on your energy level. Try a B-vitamin supplement if you find that you’re fatigued without your morning jolt.

This group of vitamins factors prominently into energy metabolism, as do manganese and iron, so make sure you’re getting enough of these in your diet via foods such as meat and pecans, or supplement with a multivitamin.

Work Out

Maybe it seems counterintuitive to work out when you’re feeling lethargic without your morning joe, but an early trip to the gym might be exactly what you need.

The University of Georgia conducted a study in which chronically fatigued folks who didn’t typically work out were prescribed aerobic exercise three times a week. When compared to a control group that didn’t exercise, the active groups reported a 20 percent increase in energy after six weeks on the plan.

Sing Along to the Radio

If you drive to work every day, here’s a simple energy-boosting tip — make a playlist of your favorite songs. Then crank it up and sing along since singing loudly, especially to a tune you love, naturally spikes your energy and can even help melt away any stress that builds as you inch closer to the office.

Get More Sleep

This is an obvious one. If you’re constantly feeling so drained in the morning that you need that cup of coffee, that’s a pretty clear sign that you’re not getting enough sleep. The amount of sleep you require to feel well-rested depends on your individual biology, but it’s going to fall somewhere between seven and nine hours of sleep per night. Hit this target, and you might not even miss the caffeine — at least, not that much.

Soak up the Sun

Vitamin D deficiency results in fatigue in most cases, according to individualized studies. That’s because this vitamin, which works like a hormone in the body, is part of almost every metabolic event happening underneath the surface of your skin.

Most people get the majority of their vitamin D from the sun — the problem is that they don’t get enough. If you’re feeling sapped of energy, spend 15 minutes a day in the sunshine and notice how your energy soars.

Start New Habits

With so many energy-boosting alternatives to caffeine, it’s relatively easy to wake up in the morning without resorting to stimulant-laced coffee.

Instead, try working out, singing your favorite top 40 hit or stepping outside for a brief bit of sunbathing. If you keep up your new habits, you’ll forget all about your morning mug of coffee.

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