Productivity App Swipes Now Available for Android

March 24, 2015 • Devin Partida


A productivity app once available only to iOS users is now being offered to people who prefer Android devices.

Swipes is not only the perfect name for just about any mobile device app, it’s also a great way to organize your tasks and get more done. It’s a personal and professional productivity tool designed to turn your to-do’s into accomplishments.

With Swipes, you can do the following:

  • Plan your day on a timeline
  • Use the snooze feature to delay tasks
  • Schedule tasks ahead of time
  • Check a history of tasks that you’ve accomplished – and give yourself a pat on the back
  • Prioritize various to-do items
  • Set reminders for important tasks

It’s important to note that the underlying software is not new. Even though it’s just recently become available for Android, the workflows and graphical user interface have been offered for a while on Apple mobile devices. As a result, the developers of the software have the benefit of experience. They’ve made corrections where needed and improved usability as requested.

Ease of Use

swipes screenshot

The interface is user-friendly. The app displays tasks for the day in a simple, minimalist approach. The list of to-do’s can easily be rearranged by tapping or swiping as needed. Tasks that you may want to delay can be marked as snooze with a specified length of time for the delay. Tasks that have been accomplished can easily be marked as complete. Of course, tasks can be edited, as well.

The singular idea behind the user interface is to display the tasks in a graphically rich environment with practicality in mind. The developers were careful to avoid letting the graphics detract from the main mission of the app: to maintain a focus on the most important tasks.

Swipes also promotes productivity within its own house. The app makes it easy for you to manipulate items in a jiffy. First, it uses an intuitive set of swipe commands so that priorities can be altered quickly. Second, it allows you to access the features of the app if you’re working for a desktop or a laptop. That way, you won’t have to fumble around with two devices while sitting at your desk.

Swipes also integrates with Evernote, the productivity app that is arguably the best of breed in its class. Notes that are created in Evernote can be tagged as Swipes so that they are automatically imported into the app. Users who have installed Swipes will also see that checkboxes within Evernote notes will be added as action items for the primary to-do item. Finally, checking off items in either app will cause the item to be checked off in both apps. The integration is seamless.

Data at Your Fingertips with Swipes

As of this writing, there are plans to integrate Swipes with other apps. However, there is no known delivery date for specific integrations.

Also, the user interface is adaptable. You can set the color theme to use either light or dark colors, depending on your preference. If you’ve used Android devices for any length of time, then you’re probably already familiar with the two primary color sets.

Finally, data stored on Swipes is backed up to the cloud. This means that you have a backup of your important to-do items even if you accidentally drop your Android device in your pool. Obviously, you’ll still need to get a new device and reinstall the app, but your Swipes data will still be available.

If you’re an Android user who wants to be more productive, then Swipes will be a welcome addition to your portfolio of apps. It offers an elegant user interface, intuitive input options and a practical design. If you would like to get more out of you workdays, you should check it out.

Image by FirmBee

