How to Import Favorites Into Chrome

October 31, 2018 • Shannon Flynn


Do you have a list of favorites, or bookmarks, in your web browser that you like to go back to now and then? Maybe you use them to organize important information and resources. Along with productivity apps and extensions, the bookmarks tab can be one of most useful — yet simple — productivity tools for your web browser.

What if you switch browsers, though? Does that mean you lose all your favorites? It doesn’t have to. If you’re switching to Google Chrome, you’re in luck. Importing your bookmarks into the latest version of Chrome is easy. Just follow these steps.

Getting Started

To import favorites into Chrome, first, click on the Customize and Control Google Chrome or More button in the top right of the browser. The button looks like three dots stacked on top of each other.

Then, once the menu opens, select Bookmarks and then Import Bookmarks and Settings.

From there, you can choose the browser you want to bring in your favorites from. You’ll see a menu with the browsers you have installed on your computer. Chrome supports importing directly from Mozilla Firefox on both Windows and Mac, Safari on Mac, and Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer on Windows. If you don’t see your browser listed, you can upload your favorites as an HTML file.

If your browser is listed, read the next section of this post for your next steps. In case your browser isn’t listed, head to the section after this one.

If Your Browser Is Listed

If you can choose your browser from the menu on Chrome, do so. You’ll then get some options for what you want to import. Depending on your browser, in addition to favorites, you may be able to import your browsing history, saved passwords, search engines, and autofill form data.

Then, click the blue Import button in the bottom-right of the window. Chrome will then begin importing your information.

Next, click Done. Your bookmarks are now imported into Chrome.

If Your Browser Isn’t Listed

If you didn’t see your browser listed in the menu in Chrome, you’ll need to have your bookmarks saved as an HTML file. Some browsers do this natively, while for others, you’ll need a third-party program.

In Chrome, you can save your favorites in the Bookmark Manager tab. If in Firefox, go to the Library window, click Import and Backup, and then choose Export Bookmarks to HTML. If in Internet Explorer, click the favorites icon, go to Add to Favorites, choose Import and Export, and then hit Export to a File.

Once you have your favorites saved, click Bookmarks HTML File in the Chrome menu. Then, click Choose File, find your file and hit Open. Chrome will then import your favorites.

Opening Your Imported Bookmarks

Once you have your favorites imported, you can access them in Chrome’s regular Bookmarks tab. You can use the bookmarks bar to access your favorites or go to More and then Bookmarks.

If you didn’t have any favorites saved in Chrome before importing, your imported sites will populate Chrome’s regular bookmarks list. If you already had some, Chrome will create a folder called Imported. Alternatively, in the bookmarks bar, you can find them in the Other Bookmarks folder.

You can make your bookmarks on all the devices you use Chrome on by turning on sync in the browser. As long as you use the same Google account on each device, you’ll see the same favorites there.

There you have it — an easy way to import your favorites into Google Chrome to make your web browsing time more productive and make your life so much easier.
