10 of the Best RPGs on Steam You Can Sink Hours Into

February 3, 2024 • Devin Partida


Steam has a seemingly endless number of role-playing games (RPGs) available. That said, few are critically acclaimed and beloved by the masses. Here are some of the best RPGs on Steam you could play right now.

1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Out of all of the best RPGs on Steam, “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” has to be the most iconic. Even though it came out in 2011 — meaning it’s over a decade old — it still has one of the largest active communities in gaming. The NPC interactions and graphics are dated by today’s standards but still hold up reasonably well. 

Skyrim quickly became the gold standard for RPGs in the 2010s — and still impacts how gamers judge similar releases today. While walking through the scenic open world, you’ll stumble upon caves, dragons, lost treasures and the occasional necromancer. Few other games offer this level of environmental storytelling. 

2. Elden Ring

“Elden Ring” is one of the best RPGs on Steam. As a spiritual successor to the Dark Souls series, it became massively popular soon after launch. Frighteningly tough boss battles, an intricate storyline and intense NPC encounters make the Lands Between a fascinating place to explore.

To make things better, some say the DLC will drop sooner than most people expect. The “Shadow of the Erdtree” could come as early as February 2024 if the rumors are true. This highly-anticipated addition to the base game cements “Elden Ring” as one of the best RPGs.

3. Baldur’s Gate 3

In “Baldur’s Gate 3,” you can pick from 12 classes and 46 subclasses. You could become a moon druid, monk, draconic bloodline sorcerer or bard. Out of the 11 races, there are 31 subraces. You can be a lolth-sworn drow, a wood elf or an asmodeus tiefling— and all of that’s just character creation. 

Larian Studios changed the game with the latest installment in their Baldur’s Gate series. In a game where a roll of the dice can impact you as much as your skill in battle, every choice counts. This open-world RPG offers true freedom — if you wonder whether or not the game will let you do something, the answer is probably “yes.” 

If our praise isn’t enough to sway you, know that “Baldlur’s Gate 3” was literally crowned “Best RPG” at the 2023 Game Awards. It also won Game of the Year, Best Community Support, Best Multiplayer and the Players’ Voice Award. At the Golden Joystick Awards, it won Ultimate Game of the Year. It has completely dominated every competition it has been in.

4. Fallout: New Vegas

“Fallout: New Vegas” is an iconic RPG. Even though “Fallout 4” and “Fallout 76” came out after it and have received multiple massive updates since launch, most people consider it one of the best RPGs on Steam. The graphics and encounters are dated by today’s standards but still hold up well. In fact, the reviews on Steam are overwhelmingly positive — 96% of people who review the game enjoyed it. 

If you want to make your trip through New Vegas more enjoyable, consider getting the ultimate edition. Since the game was released in 2010, you can get the “Honest Hearts,” Old World Blues,” “Lonesome Road,” “Gun Runners’ Arsenal” and “Courier’s Stash” DLCs along with the base game for under $20. 

5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt  

“The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” plunges you into an open world of fantasy, romance, intrigue and monster-hunting. On Metacritic, it has a rating of 92 out of 100, which is “Universal Acclaim.” Despite the world’s massive size, exploration feels purposeful and rewarding. The same can be said about the updated fighting mechanics —- this game simplified potions and skills to be practical and straightforward. 

6. Stardew Valley 

Of all the best RPGs on Steam, “Stardew Valley” has to be the coziest. As you expand your farm and watch the seasons pass, you build relationships with the locals. You can decorate your farm and your surroundings to customize the world the longer you live in it. Almost every aspect of this game — besides the fishing minigame — is relaxing and enjoyable. 

7. Dave the Diver 

In “Dave the Diver,” you play as a deep-sea diver by day and a restaurant owner by night. This exciting blend of management simulation and roguelike exploration made this title quickly rise to the top of the Steam charts. This game is lighthearted, clever and engaging — you could easily pour hours into it without realizing it. 

8. Cyberpunk 2077 

Undoubtedly, “Cyberpunk 2077” is one of the best RPGs on Steam. The “Phantom Liberty” DLC and countless updates have turned this title into a story-rich, immersive, enjoyable experience. You play as a mercenary facing down megacorporations — and mortality — in Night City. You customize your look, install cyberware and build relationships with your favorite NPCs. 

“Cyberpunk 2077” now has a working rail system, a fully overhauled skill tree, new cyberware, path tracing capabilities and new immersive world interactions. The game also has multiple apartments for rent, new vehicles to buy and tons of new quests. Whether you put this game down long ago or never picked it up in the first place, now is the perfect time to start playing.

9. Disco Elysium: The Final Cut 

“Disco Elysium: The Final Cut” is one of the best RPGs on Steam. Some reviewers say it was its generation’s best RPG, praising its rich narrative and extensive scope. At launch, it offered an unprecedented amount of freedom and choice-based consequences. Few other games let you solve a murder mystery on your own terms.

For those who haven’t yet played this title, “The Final Cut” — the expanded version of the 2019 original — is enticing. It offers new quests, characters, locations and gameplay modes. Also, it provides controller support, fast travel and 4k resolution capabilities. It even has fully-voiced characters, which was one of the biggest, most-anticipated improvements.

10. Diablo 4

“Diablo 4” is a fantastic RPG with hack-and-slash elements. Character customization, dungeon crawling, and a legendary antagonist make it one of the greatest games on Steam. Although the online-only aspect may sway you away from getting the game, know that it still has a lot of the charm other titles in the series have had. 

You Can Play the Best RPGs on Steam Right Now

Whether you prefer hack-and-slash gore or slow-paced resource management, the best RPGs on Steam have what you’re looking for. You could sink hours of your time into any one of these critically acclaimed masterpieces.
