14 Must-Install Sims 3 and Sims 4 Mods

May 12, 2020 • Shannon Flynn


Whether you’re just starting out or have been playing for a while, the Sims games are wildly fun and provide hours of entertainment. Mods are downloadable packs that add to the enjoyment by bringing different features and abilities to your sims. These games are a blast as is, but Sims 3 and 4 mods can bring them to the next level. 

Sims 3 Mods to Check Out

Image from Giphy

1. No Intro

Where you’re new or not to The Sims 3, the intro can take a while. If you find yourself getting bored with it, there’s always the option to download this mod. The No Intro option lets you skip the beginning and jump right into building your virtual life. 

2. Master Controller

This mod provides an overarching level of control for you. With it, you can manage populations of your town by adding more sims or removing them at will. You can also look into population levels and demographics as well as career information. It comes with smaller details, too, like resetting glitching sims.

3. Story Progression

With this mod, you can forgo the standard story progression format and replace it with different options. New add-ons will make for realistic scenarios and provide more depth to careers. Additionally, you’ll be able to decide the path for other sims, like when they get married, have children and more.

4. More Traits for All Ages

Throughout the game, your sims typically only have a certain amount of traits or characteristics. However, this mod allows you to expand upon that and add more. This addition gives your sims more to do and lets them stand out. 

5. Traveler

Have you wanted to move locations in your Sim universe? In The Sims 3, sometimes this means losing your contacts and relationships. However, with the Traveler mod, you can move without losing any of your previous progress. This download lets you bring everything with you, no matter where you move to. 

6. More Careers

Sometimes, you just want to expand beyond what developers give you, and now you can! There are plenty of career mods that will give you and your sims additional options to choose from. From sports to education to entertainment, career mods expand into new territory. Some will even have jobs just for teens. 

7. Overwatch

The little things add up, especially in a game that requires a strong processor like The Sims. The Overwatch mod allows you to reset sims, fix the lag and smooth gameplay all around. Sometimes sims get stuck, or you want to clean up your inventory in a pinch. This mod allows you to do just that. 

Sims 4 Mods to Check Out

The Sims 4 changed things for the brand — with new capabilities and functions, users found a whole new world. However, mods can still help out.

1. Turbo Careers

If you have one or many people in your home, this mod can help you. With career choices, you sometimes need to make changes. This mod allows you to alter jobs for all adults as well as two teenagers. 

2. Trait Pack

Much like the career mods for The Sims 3, the trait pack mods for the fourth version of the game will vary. There are multiple traits to choose from, and each will bring new characteristics and unique aspects. From hopeless romantic to green thumb, you can bring your sims to a new level. 

3. MC Command Center

This mod is a big one. With it, you can manage numerous things, ranging from controlling people to smaller details. For instance, you can decide who moves into and out of your house quickly. You can also focus on more minor features, like fashion choices for individual sims.

4. Create a Sim Overhaul

The Create a Sim screen is a popular and engaging place for users to develop new characters. This mod allows you to improve that process in a couple of ways. First, you’ll be able to change the backgrounds and lighting of the screen. Plus, since some people opposed the little glint in the sims’ eyes, you can get rid of the glimmer. 

5. Monster Guards

A feature that The Sims 4 added for the children in your house is that they sometimes have nightmares or get scared of monsters under their bed. The Monster Guard mods keep monsters away so that they don’t scare the kids. 

6. Teleport 

This mod allows you to teleport any Sim that you’d like. You can summon them, as well — which is similar, but means they’ll get to you on foot. This mod is convenient for when you need a specific Sim quickly and are unsure where they are. 

7. True Happiness

The introduction of emotions in The Sims was a big step. This mod takes it another step forward. True Happiness allows your sims to feel overly ecstatic in happy instances. This addition provides a different level of happiness than their default emotion. 

How to Download New Sims Mods

Downloading mods is a simple process. First, you need to ensure in your settings that you have custom content and mods checked off under the “Other” category. Then, you can find websites for these mods with a quick Google search. Once downloaded, you can install them by placing the download in the Sims’ mods folder on your computer. Ready to play?

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