How to Manage Your Time With Multiple Jobs

April 13, 2020 • Rehack Team


Are you struggling with how to manage your time?

When you moved out into your first apartment and began your journey into adulthood, you may have pictured life a little differently. Many people imagine themselves going to school and working a dream job after graduating, but that isn’t always possible.

Young adults often have to work multiple jobs to compete with the rising cost of living, which makes life more complicated. In addition to potentially going to school, you have to manage a couple of different work schedules. It makes it challenging to figure out how to relax in between your responsibilities.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your work life, it’s time to reframe your perspective. Read about how to manage your time with multiple jobs so you can accomplish more without draining all your energy and joy. With these easy tips, you’ll learn how to balance your life so you enjoy it to the fullest.

1. Pay Attention to Yourself

It’s always important to keep track of what’s going on with your jobs and any classes you take, but it’s even more important to pay attention to yourself. Working long into the night and waking up early every day is tough on your mind and body. Make sure you eat when you’re hungry, stay hydrated and listen to what your body needs during the day.

Even if you have to walk away from your desk or the kitchen prep table for a quick fresh air break, you’ll feel more energetic and ready to tackle your work when you get back.

2. Organize Your Schedule

Don’t leave your responsibilities and deadlines up to chance. Get a planner or online calendar and organize your schedule with easy tips so you always know what’s coming up. Write down your shifts, classes and deadlines so you know what’s non-negotiable. You can work around those to schedule in your social events and self-care days.

3. Decide on Daily Goals

You may know what you have to do during the day when you wake up in the morning, but what are your daily goals? Your goals help guide your decisions, like starting one homework assignment or project over another. It’s also smart to write down goals like drinking a specific amount of water or getting active.

4. Learn About Burnout

Whether you’ve worked multiple jobs for years or just started, you can always burnout. It’s that feeling when you don’t have anything less to give, so watch for burnout signs before you feel like you need to quit for the day. You’ll learn how to recognize when your energy gets low or when you need to take a break.

5. Break Down Tasks

It’s easy to handle a busy schedule when you can knock out small assignments quickly, but there will always be more significant projects looming over your weeks. Don’t let the big responsibilities weigh you down. Instead, help your schedule and break down large tasks so they fit seamlessly into your routine. Manageable steps will keep your stress levels low and make your days a little easier.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Keeping up with your jobs or classes isn’t always about pushing yourself all the time. You also have to try to get enough sleep so you’re ready to tackle your schedule. Try to go to sleep at the same time every night to regulate your sleep habits and give yourself more focus and energy the next day.

7. End Your Procrastination

Imagine finally getting your planner organized and your self-care routine settled. You know what to do with your time, but procrastination begins to settle in. Beat it whenever it shows up by using a timer to encourage short bursts of work.

Also known as the Pomodoro technique, use a timer to work for 25 minutes and give yourself a five-minute break when you finish. You’ll get used to the routine and hone your focus because you know there’s a short break coming up when you can check your social media or text your friends back.

Reflect on the Weekend

When you wake up on Saturday mornings, reward your hard work with a great breakfast and time to relax. When you’ve enjoyed your time off, remember to reflect on the past week. Was your schedule successful? Did you remember your self-care or get enough sleep?

Adjust your schedule as needed so each week is a new opportunity to improve. You’ll quickly learn what works and what doesn’t so managing your multiple jobs gets easier.
