Why Less is More According to Minimalists

July 12, 2018 • Rehack Team


We’ve all heard the old saying — less is more. It’s usually said when someone gets a good deal — spending less money for more product — or to justify using less of something to accomplish the same ends. In modern times, it’s becoming more than a saying or a cliché — it’s turning into a lifestyle. Why do they say that less is more, and why should you think about incorporating that into your own lifestyle?

More Work, Less Time

The less is more lifestyle doesn’t just apply to things — it also applies to time. We all tend to try to squeeze as many activities as possible into our day, and that often ends with us doing fake work just to fill up the time so that we seem like we’re doing more. However, this busy work doesn’t necessarily help us achieve our goals.

Skip the busy work in favor of activities that actually help you accomplish your tasks or achieve your goals. Don’t multitask — not only does it not help you get more done, but it can actually reduce your overall productivity by up to 40 percent. Less is definitely more in this case if the less means doing less busywork.

More Friends, Fewer Acquaintances

Social media makes us think that we need to have hundreds and hundreds of friends in order to be happy. Just because you can have 500 people on your friends list doesn’t mean that you need 500 friends.

Studies have suggested that your 20s are actually the worst age for friendship. Now, we’re not saying that you shouldn’t have friends in your 20s, but at this age, you tend to do a lot of what is known as social sampling. You spend this period trying to meet different types of people and expanding your social circle. The trick here, and where the phrase less is more applies, is to figure out who your actual friends are and who are just acquaintances.

More Memories, Fewer Possessions

Minimalism is growing in popularity, but what does it really mean? The concept of minimalism consists of reducing your belongings to the bare minimum so that your home isn’t cluttered up with things you don’t really need. It isn’t a bad thing — science has shown that clutter actually negatively affects your mental state.

Less is more has a literal application here. By decluttering your home, getting rid of duplicate items and reducing the number of possessions that fill up your living space, you can improve your mental state and make yourself happier in the long run.

 More Happiness, Less Worry

Less is more doesn’t have to apply to just physical or tangible things — it can apply to ephemeral things like happiness. The trick isn’t to try to be happier — it’s to reduce the number of things that you worry about so that happiness comes naturally. One way is to use mindfulness — the practice of being in the moment instead of thinking about what happened in the past or worrying about what might happen in the future.

Remind yourself to be mindful by putting feel-better sayings on your mirror or computer monitor — any places where you’re likely to see them. They aren’t a perfect fix, but they’ll help to remind you that happiness is in your control and that worry isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Less is more is a great way to live if you can figure out how to implement it in your life. It doesn’t just apply to money — it can apply to all aspects of your life. Think about it next time you’re worried about work, money or anything in general. Take a look at yourself, and see where you can apply this concept to help you live a happier and healthier life.
