Why are Some Workers More Productive Than Others

May 28, 2019 • Rehack Team


Productivity in the workplace is talked about often. How do you boost output? Can workers perform more efficiently? Is there room to cut costs? Why are some workers more productive than others?

It all boils down to how much work someone can complete in a set amount of time. But the truth is there is no one factor that determines a person’s productivity levels. Each person is unique.

However, there are noticeable differences between those who are productive and those who are not. If you want to learn how to boost productivity in the workplace, learn about the habits of highly productive people.

Why Some Workers are More Productive Than Others

If you’re someone who walks into the workplace with a mission, then some of these daily routines may look familiar to you. However, if you’re a manager or employee looking to increase productivity levels, learn what some of the most successful people already do.

They Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

If you regularly skip breakfast, it could contribute to your output at work. Those who are very productive throughout the day say eating a healthy breakfast is the best way to fight against those mid-day lulls. Take a lesson from the experts and grab something to eat before heading into the office. Try to eat something with a balance of carbs and protein to promote natural energy, such as apple slices with peanut butter or Greek yogurt.

They Plan Before Acting

People who are just busy stay so by acting without a plan. Jumping into the action isn’t bad, per se, but it can mean redoing work later when all the cards are on the table. People who are productive — which also involves working efficiently — plan ahead. This allows them to consider any problems that may arise ahead of time and determine an appropriate solution. In the end, they will get work done faster and with less effort than those who forgo planning.

They Learn to Prioritize

You may often hear coworkers say they’re too busy. But the truth is, we’re all busy, with a million things to do and not enough time to get them done. The people who are productive are the ones who look at their mile-long to-do list and pick out the items that are most important to achieve. These are priorities. The most productive people try to choose priorities they are passionate about, something to motivate them throughout the workday.

They Don’t Multitask

Another common sight in office spaces is to see coworkers rushing around trying to complete a million different tasks at once. But our brains aren’t wired to work that way, only able to store between five to nine things at once.

Research has shown you’ll actually spend more time multitasking than you would by completing the same tasks one by one. Truly productive people know their energy is best utilized focusing on one single project for longer chunks of time, even if only an hour or two.

They Stay Positive

Work can be stressful, no matter the industry. So it’s no surprise you’ll sometimes feel negative or pessimistic about your workplace and the people in it. You may constantly jump to worst-case scenarios or inherent cautions.

But as these pessimistic feelings fester, they can make you feel less passionate about your work. People who are productive will take steps to stay positive and passionate about their work, allowing them to accomplish more and stay satisfied with their careers.

They Reflect and Change

It’s impossible to become productive and successful overnight. The people who are most productive are those who reflect on their days and make necessary changes. They consider the problems they encountered or the mistakes they made and learn from them.

They adapt to challenges with new, revolutionized solutions. You have to be willing to make changes and improvements to not only your work habits but also your lifestyle.

How to Become More Productive

If you want to take serious steps towards becoming more productive, follow the advice of those who are already hitting goals and getting work done efficiently.

Start with a healthy breakfast in the morning to kick-start your day. Make a plan before jumping in and pinpoint your priorities. And as always, dedicate some time at the end of the day to reflect. What can you do tomorrow to make yourself even better?

Remember, don’t expect big changes overnight. While some myths say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, experts claim it takes at least 66 days. So becoming more productive isn’t like flipping a switch. Instead, implement small changes, one at a time.

After your routine has adjusted, add in another change or two. Before you know it, you’ll be just as productive as some of your company’s top employees.

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