The Ultimate WFH Office Equipment List

March 23, 2023 • Devin Partida


In the post-pandemic era, it seems as though remote work is here to stay. An essential aspect of any WFH setup is purchasing the right equipment for your home office.

Whether you’re a new WFH employee or need a quick refresher, continue reading below to see the ultimate WFH office equipment list.

15 Essential Items on a WFH Office Equipment List

What types of tech, gadgets and accessories will keep you productive and performing well while WFH?

1. Laptop/PC

Working remotely would be impossible without a reliable laptop or PC. Your employer might send you a company-owned laptop or allow you to use your personal laptop or PC. Either way, it’s important to have a suitable laptop or PC to fit your needs and job responsibilities. 

There are plenty of computers to choose from, including those from major brands like Apple, Dell, Lenovo, Microsoft and Google. Depending on your job role, you might have to install relevant software onto your device. If you need to purchase a computer, consider screen resolution, storage space, speed and price during the buying process.

2. Desk

A good desk is an essential part of any WFH setup. You’ll spend most of your time at your WFH desk, meaning you might want to spend a bit more time finding one you’ll like. The size of your desk depends on the size of your work area. If you work in a bedroom, you might need a small desk or a corner desk to optimize your square footage. 

Many WFH employees prefer a standing desk or a convertible standing desk, as it’s more ergonomic than your standard desk. Be sure your desk has enough space to store your other WFH office equipment, such as your laptop, mouse, keyboard and writing tools.

3. Chair

You should purchase a high-quality office chair for your WFH setup, just like your desk. Sitting for long periods can quickly become uncomfortable and even cause physical injuries, like back or neck pain.

Choose an ergonomic chair to give yourself proper back support. It’s a good idea to test out chairs before buying one, as some are more comfortable than others. You might want to consider purchasing a gaming chair, as they’re ergonomic and specifically designed for long periods of sitting.

4. Fast Internet

You likely already have a reliable internet connection, but high-speed internet is critical when you WFH. Identify the internet speed you need, contact your local internet service provider (ISP) and ask which plan is right for you and your budget.

Losing your internet connection in the middle of an important meeting or project is enough to ruin your day. Make sure you purchase an affordable internet plan that suits your WFH needs.

5. Laptop Stand

If you work on a laptop, buying a laptop stand allows you to view your screen at a more comfortable angle. Stands are relatively inexpensive and come in various sizes to fit your specific laptop. 

If you bring your laptop into different areas of your home, coworking space or cafe, you might want to buy a portable laptop stand. These stands are often adjustable and will accompany you and your laptop wherever you choose to work.

6. Monitor(s)

Depending on your job, it might be wise to invest in one or more monitors for your desk setup. Working on one screen could become challenging, especially if you tend to have several tabs open simultaneously. 

For example, a graphic designer might create logos on one monitor while researching a company’s color scheme on the main display. If you work in Google Sheets or Excel, it might help to have an extra monitor while you input figures into a spreadsheet.

7. Keyboard

If you use a desktop computer, you’ll definitely need a reliable keyboard while WFH. Laptop users might prefer using an ergonomic keyboard instead of the laptop’s built-in keyboard. Many types of keyboards are available, such as wireless, mechanical, Bluetooth-enabled and magic keyboards.

Take some time to clean your keyboard every once in a while. Crumbs, dust and debris can make your keyboard dirty or cause keys to stop working. A simple trick to clean your keyboard is to use the backside of a sticky note — it will remove some of the larger bits of debris or crumbs stuck in between your keys.

8. Mouse/Mouse Pad

Two essential pieces of equipment for your setup are a wireless or wired mouse and an accompanying mouse pad. You might not like using your laptop’s trackpad, as it could be too sensitive. A wireless mouse is your best bet, as it will reduce cord clutter and allow you to navigate on your computer with ease.

Another reason to buy a wireless mouse is to bring it with you if you work away from home. For example, you can bring your wireless mouse to a coworking space, library, cafe or any other place you enjoy working. 

9. Power Strip/Cable Clips

Many of your WFH technology needs to be plugged in, but it can be difficult to find enough outlets for these devices. Instead of using outlets spread out in a room, buy a heavy-duty power strip for all your devices. 

Cable clips are also super handy if you’re trying to keep your cords organized. Many cable clips are small rubber accessories that come with an adhesive backing. You can stick cable clips anywhere on your desk or a wall to keep your charging cords nearby. No more fussing around behind your desk trying to find the right cord.

10. Desk Organizer

Over time, small desks become piled with stacks of papers, bills or notes. Keeping your desk clutter-free can help you remain organized and productive throughout the workday. 

Many office supply stores sell desk organizers of all different sizes, shapes, styles and materials. Some desk organizers come with small drawers or compartments to store various items. For example, you might want an organizer with a small drawer for paperclips, staples or index cards. Desk organizers will provide enough space to store your essential desk items.

11. Lighting

If you WFH, consider setting up your desk in an area with access to natural light. Natural sunlight offers plenty of physical and mental health benefits, such as:

  • Increases in vitamin D levels
  • Reduces the chances of experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  • Improves sleep
  • Lowers health risks associated with fluorescent light

If you cannot sit near a window, there are many natural light gadgets available online that you can use as your next best option. 

12. Mug Warmer

Many people need a caffeine boost in the morning or afternoon, whether from coffee, tea or another energy drink. However, the temperature of your morning coffee might decrease as you work, and drinking a cold cup of coffee is never enjoyable.

Thankfully, several stores and e-commerce websites sell mug warmers to keep your drinks hot. Some mug warmers are USB-powered, meaning you can conveniently plug the warmer into your laptop or PC port. Your future self will thank you for making this purchase. 

13. Headphones

Do you have kids running around the house after school? Is your partner taking work calls in the other room? Will your dog bark when the UPS delivery person knocks on your door? All of these noises can reduce your productivity because they’re distracting.

Consider buying a high–quality pair of noise-canceling headphones. By using these headphones, you can eliminate excess noise and enter a state of deep work. You can listen to instrumental music, white, pink or brown noise, soundscapes or other content to keep yourself productive and focused.

14. Writing Tools

Whether it’s jotting down reminders during a meeting with your boss or outlining an idea for a proposal, you’ll definitely need a few of your favorite writing tools while WFH. Buy an assortment of your favorite type of pens, pencils, markers and highlighters to keep on your desk.

If you have a tablet, such as an iPad or iPad Pro, you can also consider buying an Apple Pencil. These cool styluses allow you to write directly on your iPad, create drawings and even sign important documents. There are many iPad apps available on the iOS App Store that are compatible with Apple Pencil.

15. Planner/Calendar

Lastly, you’ll need a reliable planner or calendar to organize your hectic schedule. You can pencil in important dates, project deadlines, and personal and professional appointments to ensure you’re on top of everything.

Time management is an essential skill for any WFH employee. Visit your favorite office supply store or online retailers like Amazon or eBay to find the perfect planner or calendar.

Additional Accessories and Decor for Your Office Equipment List

While the 15 items above will help create a great WFH setup, you might get tired of seeing the same old items daily. If you’re looking for some fun, entertaining things to add some personality to your office, take a look at the list below for some inspiration.

  • Potted plants or succulents
  • Candles or essential oil diffusers
  • Wall art or wall decorations
  • Framed photos of family, friends or pets
  • Decorative coasters
  • Bobbleheads or other collectibles

One benefit of WFH is that you have total control over your setup and how to organize your desk. Get creative with your office, make it comfortable and customize it to your liking.

Refer to This Office Equipment List if You WFH

Although the remote work trend was borne out of necessity due to the pandemic, it will likely stay. Major companies such as Spotify, Airbnb and Apple permanently adopted remote work options for their employees. 

Many people would agree that working remotely comes with benefits and drawbacks. For example, you save money on gas by eliminating your commute, but you might miss daily conversations with coworkers. You can dress comfortably, but you might need to attend more virtual meetings on platforms like Zoom or Google Meet. 

Your employer might cover some of your office expenses, or you can write some of them off on your taxes. To be productive while you WFH, you need most of the things on the list above. Set a realistic budget for the items on your WFH office equipment list to avoid breaking the bank.

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