Try These Personal Development Courses When You Feel Off Track

March 21, 2017 • Rehack Team


We all run into times in our lives when we don’t feel the most confident or like we’re being the best version of ourselves. During these times, I’ve found that turning to personal development courses can provide some much needed insights and an action plan.

While feeling kind of lost is a common feeling for anyone going through a major change or a confusing time in their life, it doesn’t make it any easier when it happens to you. When you’re feeling off track, you want to find a way to get back on course as soon as possible.

Personal development courses can be some of the best ways to regain your focus and improve your self-confidence.

With the number of courses out there, it can be difficult to select the right one for you, so we’ve pulled together 10 of the best personal development courses to help you get back on track.

1. A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment (Coursera)

“A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment” was created by the Indian Business Institute to help people identify what is preventing them from being happy and what they can do to be happier. This course is $49 for complete access to the materials and a certification course or can be taken for free if you do not want to receive a certification.

2. Getting Results by Building Relationships (Udemy)

If you’re feeling lost at work, this course, Getting Results by Building Relationships, can help you build better relationships so you can advance your career. This course can help you build stronger relationships outside of the workplace. This course includes nine different techniques, taught to you over two hours. The total cost for this course is $150.

3. The Mini Course on Achieving Your Dreams (Udemy)

If you’re looking for a free course, give “The Mini Course on Achieving Your Dreams” a shot. In less than an hour, you’ll receive eight different approaches to achieving your dreams. If you’re hooked and want to learn more, there is a paid, extended version on this same topic.

4. Ignite Your Everyday Creativity (Coursera)

Are you looking for a way to get more creative or to use your creativity more? The “Ignite Your Everyday Creativity” course could be just what you’re looking for. Through teaching you how to identify your creativity and find creativity in real world settings, you can learn new ways to solve problems and approach life. You can purchase the course for $49 with certificate, or take it for free without.

5. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution (Class Central)

Dealing with conflict is something not many of us are good at, but it happens nearly every day. If you’re struggling to negotiate what you want or appropriately deal with conflict, the “Negotiation and Conflict Resolution” resource may be one of the best personal development courses for you.

As a free four-week long course, you’ll learn negotiation strategies, communication skills and how to apply them to situations in both your professional and personal life.

6. How to Change the World (Coursera)

While this may seem like a broad topic to tackle, “How to Change the World” walks you through the various problems that the world is facing and presents solutions for what you can do to help. If you’re looking for a way to make a difference or help others, consider taking this online course. A one-time fee of $49 will get you the course materials and a certificate, but you have the option of taking the course for free without the certification.

7. Self-Confidence: 40-Minute Confidence and Self-Esteem Guide (Udemy)

When we feel more confident, we are happier in our relationships and in our work. But confidence isn’t always easy to hold. In this mini-course, “Self-Confidence: 40 Minute Confidence and Self-Esteem Guide,” you can learn how to quickly improve your self-confidence and gain self-esteem. You’ll get over your fear of rejection and embrace your vulnerability. This course is offered for free.

8. Master Your Emotions: Uncertainty, Stress, Anxiety and Fear (Udemy)

If you’re struggling to deal with stress, anxiety, uncertainty, or fear, then “Master Your Emotions: Uncertainty, Stress, Anxiety and Fear” is the course is for you. Through teaching you how to handle the stresses of day-to-day life, you can better manage your emotions and remain in control.

This course will teach you mindfulness and coping techniques for your stress. It includes 44 lectures and 22 supplemental sources, totaling just over six hours’ worth of materials. You can take the course for $135.

You don’t need to feel off track any longer. Give one of these personal development courses a chance and see what changes you can make in your life. As you continue to work on yourself, you’ll feel more in control of your decisions and your life.

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