How to Create a 1-Page Productivity Planner

June 13, 2018 • Rehack Team


It feels like there are never enough hours in the day to complete everything on your to-do list. Finding ways to be more productive, such as making a one-page productivity planner, allows you to maximize the time you do have and get ahead at work or in your personal life.

Creating a simple one-page productivity planner is a quick way to get more organized. Think of it as a to-do list on steroids. There are several things to consider when creating a planner for personal or professional use.

Use Tools to Create the Planner

You could certainly take a sheet of paper and create a one-page planner, but why would you? There are so many wonderful tools online that allow you to create productivity planners in mere minutes.

  • Printable planner — If you like things handwritten, you can print out one of these blank one-page productivity planners and fill in the blanks each day.
  • Slack — If you’re working with a team, an online productivity tool such as this one is invaluable. Not only will it help you plan out your days, but check on your team’s workflow as well.
  • Productive Flourishing — This site offers a range of planners to help enhance your creativity, including a few for creative types who might not follow a typical workday schedule.

There are dozens of templates and apps you can use as your productivity planner, or you can buy a hard-copy planner at your local office supply store.

Include This in Your Planner

You might be wondering what types of things you should include in a productivity planner. Include both small and big tasks, but you can also break large projects into smaller day-to-day tasks you need to finish.

  • Add simple to-dos you complete each day or week — for example, checking business emails or posting on social media networks.
  • Writing posts for your business blog.
  • Reminders to contact clients for birthdays and other events.

Essentially, you’ll want to write out anything you tend to forget. It’s easy to get so caught up in the busyness of the day that you forget your best friend’s birthday or fail to pick up the dry cleaning. Putting it in writing serves as a useful reminder.

Add These Elements

Once you have the basics in your planner, you’ll want to add in things that inspire and motivate you to be even better than you were the day before.

  • Add motivational quotes to inspire you to be your best.
  • Set some goals, jot them in the margins, then add tasks that will help you move toward accomplishing them.
  • Celebrate successes. When you complete a big project or achieve something, make a note of it and plan a celebration.

Once you get used to writing down the basic tasks, it’s time to add these elements and take your productivity one step further.

Plan in Breaks

Workers in the top 10 percent of productivity leaders take frequent breaks, working for 52 minutes and then taking a 17-minute break. It might sound like those workers are not doing all they can do, but taking frequent breaks helps refresh you and gain perspective on your work. That allows you to focus more fully on the task at hand during those minutes you are working. Plan some breaks into your workday.

Improving Productivity

Getting in the habit of regular routines and getting organized helps you be more productive. A one-page productivity planner is a fast way to make sure you aren’t forgetting important tasks and keep you focused on the work at hand.

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