5 Best Python Computer Vision Projects for Beginners

October 3, 2022 • Devin Partida


Computer vision (CV) is a rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence (AI). CV enables machines to “see,” allowing them to identify objects in images and videos as humans can.  

In recent years, advancements in AI and innovations in deep learning (DL) and neural networks have improved CV capabilities. In some cases, CV machines can surpass humans in tasks such as detecting and labeling objects in images.

As computers and sensors become more advanced, professionals with a background in computer science, interest in CV or experience with AI will be in high demand. It’s an interesting field to break into, but it requires a strong working knowledge of CV, AI and other computer science subjects. As a beginner, you may not know where to start with python computer vision projects.

Working with advanced technology requires practice — you won’t become a CV expert overnight. However, you can start using Python, one of the most popular programming languages, to complete CV-related projects.

Discover five examples of the best python computer vision projects for beginners.

1. Edge Detection

In simple terms, edge detection is locating the edges of objects within an image. Edges are abrupt transitions from one pixel value of a color to another, like black to white. Edge detection is a critical task in the CV field, so it’s a good skill to learn if you’re a beginner. 

Some of the commonly used edge detection methods on Python include:

  • Laplacian Operator or Based Edge detection
  • Canny edge detector
  • Sobel Operator
  • Prewitt Operator

You may want to start learning edge detection with the Canny edge detection algorithm, as it’s relatively popular and generates high-quality results.

2. Color Detection and Invisibility Cloak

As its name suggests, this beginner CV project detects colors in images. You can use this to recognize and edit colors in photos or videos. One of the most popular projects that leverage color detection is the invisibility cloak, which uses OpenCV Python.

Remember the invisibility cloak in the Harry Potter series films? These movies were able to use the invisibility cloak with a green screen. It’s possible to remove the foreground layer with CV to create a similar effect.

3. Object Detection

Another potential CV project you may be interested in is object detection. Machines with these capabilities can automatically infer objects in a given image or video. This CV application is often used in self-driving cars, face detection, pose detection and more. 

There are three types of object detection: OpenCV Python, a machine learning-based approach and a deep learning-based approach. Modern CV systems can now implement object detection on live stream videos. 

4. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

When humans see text on an image, it’s easy to read and interpret. Computers, however, are incapable of mimicking this. With optical character recognition (OCR), computers can detect text content in an image. 

From there, it converts the text into machine-encoded text. The text can be accessed and manipulated in Python, or other programming languages, as a string variable. Consider accessing the pytesseract module Python tool to help with OCR-oriented projects. 

5. Facial Recognition

Last but not least, facial recognition is another CV project you may be interested in pursuing. In its early days, facial recognition would identify people using skin or hair color, so results wouldn’t always be accurate. Today, facial recognition has grown more sophisticated. 

These tools can now identify people’s facial features, such as eye shape or the distance between someone’s eyes. You’ll likely want to use OpenCV Python to work on facial recognition CV projects. One tutorial from RealPython suggests that you can start with facial recognition in under 25 lines of code, so you may want to check it out.

Essential Libraries to Use for Python Computer Vision Projects

As you can see above, most CV projects in Python require you to use specific libraries. AI programming languages are critical in virtually every AI application, including CV.

Here is a list of Python libraries you can use for CV projects:

  • OpenCV
  • TensorFlow
  • Matplotlib
  • PyTorch
  • Keras
  • Pytesseract
  • NumPy
  • Pillow
  • Scikit-Image

These tools, among others, will help you work on CV projects and develop your skills. 

The Value of Completing Python CV Projects

If you’re interested in learning various CV skills, consider jumping into one of the python computer vision projects listed above. There are plenty of online resources and a large CV community you can use to help you along the way. If you spend time working on these CV projects now, you could appear more marketable to a potential employer down the line. 

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