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5 Data Anonymization Techniques You Should Know
The world revolves around data. This trend has led to many positives — like personalized shopping experiences and exciting AI applications — but it also raises questions about privacy and security. Data anonymization techniques can…
What Is a Phishing Attack, and How Can You Stay Safe?
Cybercrime moves quickly, with new threats emerging all the time. However, some of the most prevalent issues you’ll encounter aren’t new, highly sophisticated technologies but tried and true methods whose popularity comes largely from their…
Why Should You Use Google Password Manager?
The Google password manager can keep all of your accounts safe — with secure passwords that you don’t need to write down on a sticky note.
The Discord Data Breach: What Everyone Should Know
In 2021, Discord was hit by a big data breach. Here’s a look at what happened, how it succeeded, and what users should know.
Are Discord Messages Encrypted? How Safe is Discord?
Discord is one of the most popular chatting and conferencing applications in the world, with over 150 million active users a month. One would assume that such a prominent platform has adequate privacy and security…
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