Every Cybersecurity Law and Regulation You Need to Know

April 14, 2023 • Shannon Flynn


Cybersecurity is increasingly relevant, so it’s critical to keep informed of every cybersecurity law and regulation in today’s digital landscape. After all, your personal information is precious, and you should have an understanding of how these measures affect you. Here are five pieces of legislation you need to know.

1. Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act

The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA, improves the exchange of information about cyber security threats, making it easier to pre-empt problems and protect citizens. CISA allows technology and manufacturing companies to share internet traffic information with the U.S. government.

Data breaches in the U.S. reached 281.5 million people in 2021. Given the scope of cyber attacks, CISA is integral to preserving the privacy of an enormous number of people. As a context, Yahoo announced another hack dating back to 2014 that affected more than 500 million user accounts. This breach places the necessity of cyber security regulations in perspective.

2. NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act

Small business owners should take note of the NIST Small Business Cybersecurity Act, which aims to promote “awareness of simple, basic controls, a workplace cybersecurity culture, and third-party stakeholder relationships.” In other words, the law issues guidance and a set of resources.

These resources can effectively help small business owners identify, assess and reduce any cyber security risks that threaten their organization. If the law applies to your situation, you should research it in greater detail. A general understanding of new methods of cybersecurity law is also helpful.

3. California Consumer Privacy Act

The California Consumer Privacy Act is set to take effect in 2020, the most stringent of its kind in the United States. It’s one of the strictest privacy measures in the nation, with support from Apple CEO Tim Cook, who said his company is “in full support of a comprehensive federal privacy law in the United States.”

With the passing of the California Consumer Privacy Act, it’s clear that privacy is now one of the foremost priorities of policymakers worldwide. Of course, the controversy surrounding cyber security and dangerous individuals — such as the San Bernardino gunman — is also necessary to mention.

4. Senate Bill 327

California passed another cyber security bill, SB-327, which is the first in the United States to regulate IoT devices. It strengthens security standards for all internet-connected machines, making sure they come with unique passwords or requiring the user to create them during the setup process.

In terms of setting a precedent for future legislation, SB-327 is important, even if it’s only applicable in California. Then again, you can and should take steps to protect yourself beyond these laws and regulations. It’s relatively easy to improve your cyber security in a small amount of time.

5. Cyber Diplomacy Act

The Cyber Diplomacy Act has incredible promise for the future of cyber security, not only for the United States but also on a global scale. Having passed through the House of Representatives, it’s set to move on to the Senate. Both Republicans and Democrats have shown their support for the bill.

Concerning its contents, the Cyber Diplomacy Act would require the government to secure and reinforce commitments to cyberspace behavior around the world. It’s among the top cyber security legislation in 2019, promoting cooperation and agreements among nations for the safety of citizens everywhere.

Moving Forward With Cybersecurity Law

The five pieces of legislation above are critical to cyber security across the United States. In the coming decade, every cybersecurity law and regulation will prove indispensable in the protection of personal data, for citizens, corporations, and the government itself.

As you move forward, take a proactive approach and implement your own precautionary measures, searching for areas of improvement. You may find a vulnerability you hadn’t noticed before. With that in mind, evaluate your cyber security today.

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