7 Examples of Artificial Intelligence Software in Everyday Life

March 8, 2021 • Zachary Amos


Artificial intelligence (AI) used to be an idea that stood firmly in the future. The future, however, is today. AI is everywhere you look, even if you don’t see it at first. It’s part of simple processes and systems like Netflix recommendations. It’s also part of more complex software like health care technology. Here are seven examples of artificial intelligence software:

1. Location Services

Have you ever been using Google Maps to get to your destination, then it suddenly suggests an alternate route? That’s AI! Google offers this suggestion so it can get you where you need to go faster. To do so, it uses data to find the most efficient route.

From driver feedback and traffic data, the algorithms gather information about traffic speeds, accidents, delays, hazards, lights and more. It suggests new routes to cut down on travel time. For instance, if there’s an accident on the highway, the app may suggest you take a new path.

2. Social Networks

Most social networking sites use AI in one way or another. It helps with things like adjusting to user preferences, finding friends and focusing on user behavior.

For instance, Facebook uses machine learning (ML), a branch under AI, to improve users’ experiences on the platform. What do you really mean when you use the winky face? Instagram is trying to process content better to understand how users engage.

Facebook also uses AI in its facial recognition algorithms. Have you gotten the notification that you may be tagged in your friend’s photo? That’s because Facebook uses algorithms based on neural networks to pair your name to your face. It learns each time it suggests.

3. Video Games

How many times have you wished you could play your favorite video game for the first time again? With AI, you may be able to do that in the future.

Video games are one of the newest examples of artificial intelligence software — at least currently. “Alien: Isolation” made waves with its complex behavior tree using AI. What would happen, though, if AI kept going?

You’d probably get really frustrated if AI continued to make the game harder and harder, learning from your every move. That’s why a game like “No Man’s Sky” could be a sign of the future.

The game creates countless new maps, using AI to offer unique experiences each time you play. That is the closest video games will get to playing for the first time — again!

4. Streaming

Netflix is the most popular streaming service out there, and it, too, uses AI. Watching shows and movies is easy. With just a few clicks of a button, you’re bingeing your favorite content. Though, have you ever tried a new show that Netflix recommended to you? You’ll often see notes on the series on how much Netflix thinks you’ll like it.

To carry out this suggestion, Netflix uses AI algorithms to analyze your viewing habits. What do you like? What don’t you like? Based on the elements from your favorite shows and movies, the algorithm then recommends new things to you.

5. Personal Assistants

It’s the age of virtual assistants. Whether it’s Siri, Alexa, Google or Cortana, you’ve probably heard their familiar voices at one point or another. They use natural language processing to interact and respond to your every request. The more they experience, the more they learn.

For instance, you can use Siri to get directions, call your friends, send a text, set reminders and Google questions. It all uses machine learning to predict and understand what you mean.

As you continue interacting with Siri, it learns your preferences. When you continuously set an alarm, for example, Siri might suggest it to you on nights when you forget.

6. Vehicles

The vehicle industry is following the tech world closely. In fact, the two have become inseparable at this point. With things like Apple and Android phone integrations and high-tech driving tools, vehicles are some of the most innovative pieces of tech out there.

Use Tesla as a case study. Many tech-based cars these days have tools like lane detection and driving behavior monitoring. Tesla, though, goes above and beyond with self-driving and predictive capabilities to make the car “think” for itself.

It’s an industry to watch in the coming years.

7. Healthcare

Healthcare is one of the most important examples of artificial intelligence software. With the right integration, it can store important files and keep them safe — or it can save lives.

From AI robots that assist on surgeries to virtual assistants, the healthcare industry now has countless ways to help workers.

Of course, wearables have taken off, too, for health and fitness. They track your activity as well as your vitals. It’s something that could potentially save lives for the elderly or anyone with dangerous health conditions.

AI Everywhere

With these examples of artificial intelligence software, you may start to notice AI popping up everywhere you go. That’s because it’s now an integral part of society. It will have you questioning how innovating ever existed without it.

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