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Journal Ideas for People Who Hate Journaling
Productivity masters have been talking about the benefits of journaling for years. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably had someone tell you to start journaling. Supposedly, there are journal ideas to help…
10 Characteristics of a Good Leader Your Boss Should Have
Every boss should share some fundamental characteristics of a leader, but unfortunately, not all do. Working for someone who isn’t a good leader — or, worse, is downright mean and uncaring — is a nightmare…
How SEC’s Ruling Could Boost Cryptocurrency Growth
Can we look forward to cryptocurrency growth? Around May, reports began surfacing that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was considering regulation for Ethereum, the blockchain powering the cryptocurrency Ether. This led many to speculate…
How to Screenshot on PCs and Electronic Devices
Taking a screenshot on your PC, phone, tablet or more has a variety of benefits. A screenshot can be easier to send to a friend if you want to share a section or photo from…
How to Get Private Internet Access
The American Federal Communications Commission overturning Net Neutrality laws is only one of the reasons many people are starting to turn to private internet access options. In the modern age, most of our lives are…
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