How to Clean Your Laptop Screen

June 10, 2022 • Shannon Flynn


Over time, with daily use, your laptop is bound to get dirty. Part of owning a laptop responsibly is knowing how to clean laptop screen without messing up your computer or using chemicals that will hurt it. You don’t want to mistreat your computer and have to replace it before it’s time to upgrade. Here’s everything you need to know about cleaning and disinfecting your laptop screen

What to Avoid When Cleaning Your Laptop Screen

Though you may think that your laptop is unbeatable, you need to memorize a few chemicals to avoid when learning how to clean laptop screen. Look on a cleaning product’s bottle for the list of ingredients before using it. You’ll want to avoid cleaning products with ammonia especially. Ammonia can damage your laptop, but it can also create detrimental respiratory effects for you if you inhale too much of it. Handle household cleaners responsibly, and don’t use them on your electronic devices.

Be mindful of the items you use around your laptop. Something like nail polish remover might seem innocent, but the product is full of acetone that can absolutely wreck an LCD screen when spilled. If you happen to spill it or any other chemical, try to clean it up immediately. After cleaning up the damaging liquid, let your computer dry for around a full day before you attempt to use it again. If that’s not an option, try to let it dry as much as possible before you lose your laptop again.

How to Clean Laptop Screen the Right Way

Knowing the methodology of how to clean laptop screen is only half the battle. You need to practice it and pay attention to each movement you make. You don’t want to saturate your laptop in liquid, especially cleaning products that it doesn’t tolerate. 

1. Turn Off Your Device

You need to turn off your computer before you clean it. You don’t want to risk shocking yourself or ruining your device. Plus, it’s easier to see any dirt on your screen when powered off. You should always turn off electronics before you clean them — and avoid adding moisture to areas it doesn’t belong. 

Turning it off will also help you see fingerprints better. If you have excess oil on your fingers, you may notice that some of the keys on your keyboard suffer from fading thanks to the oil transfer. Don’t let your screen get discolored or permanently damaged due to your fingertips. Make sure to clean it regularly!

2. Use Appropriate Cleaner

The cool thing about cleaning your laptop screen is that a dry microfiber cloth can pick up dirt and particles. While it can’t exactly disinfect your screen, it’s a great option if you don’t want to risk any moisture getting into the cracks. Still, parts of your screen may have dirt that can only be removed by a cleaner or cleaning solution. In that case, it’s okay to use a bit to scrub your screen clean. You may choose to use an eyeglass cleaner on your laptop screen, but you should know that it doesn’t disinfect anything.

If you have any doubt regarding which type of cleaner you should use, check with your laptop’s manufacturer. They should have guidelines for which cleaners you should avoid and which chemicals are okay to use on your screen. 

The best option to clean your laptop will be a microfiber cloth that won’t scratch your screen, dipped in water and wrung out. After you wipe your screen down, make sure to dry it off with the other side of the cloth or an additional one. Don’t use potentially rough items like paper towels, as they might cause tiny tears in your device’s screen.

3. Disinfect Your Laptop

You have to be careful when disinfecting your laptop. Too much excess moisture can leak into the cracks and make your laptop short-circuit. You can use a disinfecting wipe to clean your entire laptop — even your screen, but make sure the solution doesn’t contain bleach and that it’s only damp rather than dripping with disinfectant. Pay special attention to your keyboard, as it can collect much of the dust and dirt from daily use.

Keep Your Laptop Shining

If you have clean equipment, you might feel more motivated to get your work done. It’s a bit disheartening to stare into a screen with spots and dust all over it. Cleaning your computer regularly will teach you how to clean laptop screen effectively and leave behind no streaks, debris or scratches. You deserve to have a clean screen to work with, and taking care of your computer will keep it in working shape for years to come.

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