5 Cybersecurity Trends for 2021

November 30, 2020 • Rehack Team


Guest Post By Elaine Bennett

As if the IT sector hasn’t already gotten accustomed to the need for ongoing innovation, this past year has been more than enough to spark more ideas and cybersecurity trends. Companies have had to enable remote work for their employees, with little time to make the transition seamless. Brands have had to rethink their partnerships in order to deliver their product to the customer. They must also remain seemingly unaffected by the pandemic. In a way, cybersecurity has become even more vital than ever. However, there are few companies equipped to adapt quickly enough.

We do hope that 2021 will be easier on us all. Even so, it’s safe to say that the entire business world needs to brace itself for the ongoing repercussions of the pandemic. To elevate security and overcome these challenges more effectively, we need to recognize and implement the most effective solutions 2021 will see. Let’s mention a few cybersecurity trends that will be in the spotlight as we approach 2021. Then, you’ll be better prepared for any setbacks that lie ahead.

Remote device security on the rise

With remote work becoming the new norm in 2021, companies must find creative and effective ways to circumvent not using their offices for work. Create a policy to streamline how your employees use their devices for work at home, and which applications they can utilize on those devices. 

Build a cybersecurity culture that will foster transparency. Then, whenever someone has a question or an issue, they will come to you. End-to-end encryption, smart password management and other practices are effective and accessible.

Dedicated cybersecurity training for employees

Hackers might be your main concern when you think about cybersecurity. However, your employees can be your weakest links when it comes to security. As much as they are your most vital assets, your teams also need to be mindful of how to prevent possible breaches with their own actions and decisions. Training will teach them why cybersecurity is an essential part of modern life.

To help prevent internal cybersecurity issues, more companies will invest in information technology certificates to have trained and certified cybersecurity staff. Workers also need to know about emerging cybersecurity trends and how to apply them to their processes.

These certifications will become a necessity for most modern-day companies in 2021, to make sure that security is constantly improving, that there’s a monitoring and testing system in place, and that all employees are properly equipped to handle sensitive data. 

Cloud-based solutions 

By now, most if not all companies have started using cloud computing one way or another. Chances are that you are using cloud storage and cloud-based collaboration for your teams, too. The built-in security protocols make these options extremely beneficial for companies of all scopes and sizes, but you also need to consider your employees’ various accounts and applications. 

For that reason, brands in 2021 will be much more vigilant and pickier when choosing cloud vendors, precisely for the kind of security solutions they offer. The cloud is inherently highly functional and scalable and it helps companies deploy a number of demanding processes without compromising their workflow. However, you can expect cloud safeguards to be among the cybersecurity trends of 2021, and more vendors will have to rise to the occasion to deliver smarter solutions than before.

Security hardware to match 

For companies that will work from offices, 2021 will be the right time to start fortifying your office-based cybersecurity with the right hardware options. For example, hardware firewalls are an excellent way to combine with your software firewall and protect your business network on several fronts at the same time. 

Then again, data storage shouldn’t be limited to cloud servers, especially if you’re handling swarms of sensitive customer information, employee and partner contracts, and the like. More companies in 2021 will look into hardware storage opportunities to boost their security and overall safety of data management, and elevate their data recovery strategy. 

Smarter authentication methods 

Using weak passwords for protecting your accounts and your business network can mean the end of your business and your reputation. Then again, few companies and individuals leverage the perks of password managers, which are exceptionally helpful when it comes to helping companies manage intricate and often meaningless combinations to stay on the safe side. 

In 2021, technology will encourage and enable companies to transition from simple password protection completely. What this means is that you can start using more refined protection methods, starting with multifactor authentication with each application and account your employees use. Add to that, biometrics will help elevate security, as, let’s face it, hackers can never “guess” your fingerprint or your voice. So, adding biometrics as an added layer of security in the process of authentication will help boost your cybersecurity. 

Although most companies are focusing on retaining financial stability and getting back on their feet as the pandemic starts to, hopefully, dwindle, cybersecurity needs to be part of that focus, as well. Should you fail to invest in cybersecurity and breach prevention, you risk diving into greater financial turmoil, as the price of damage control can far outweigh the cost of prevention. Look for a combination of cybersecurity solutions that make sense for your business, as long as you protect your network, employee interactions, as well as all communications that occur with your customers.

Elaine Bennett is a digital marketing specialist focused on helping startups and small businesses grow. She’s a regular contributor at Bizzmark Blog and writes hands-on articles about business and marketing.
