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5 Data Anonymization Techniques You Should Know
The world revolves around data. This trend has led to many positives — like personalized shopping experiences and exciting AI applications — but it also raises questions about privacy and security. Data anonymization techniques can…
7 Best Wallets That Protect Credit Cards (2024)
Whether you’re carrying one credit card or a dozen, you need a sturdy wallet that will protect them — both from the everyday wear and tear of being in your pocket, and the savvy hackers…
What Are the Best Free VPNs to Protect Your Privacy?
Looking to beef up your security and enjoy more freedom online? These best free VPNs are ready to support you!
How to Prevent Doxxing: 6 Tips
Doxxing can be a scary occurrence for internet users. The information you thought was secure is now in the hands of hackers and whoever else wants it on the World Wide Web. Not all hope is lost, though. You can take steps to get ahead of any hacker or someone who has a grudge against you. These six tips will show you how to prevent doxxing.
Are Discord Messages Encrypted? How Safe is Discord?
Discord is one of the most popular chatting and conferencing applications in the world, with over 150 million active users a month. One would assume that such a prominent platform has adequate privacy and security…
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