What Is Malvertising and How Do You Prevent It?
What Is Malvertising and How Do You Prevent It?

Have you ever clicked on a harmless-looking ad — on a legitimate website, no less — that gave your computer a virus? Or, maybe you visited a site that was suddenly inundated with popups redirecting…

February 18, 2023 • Shannon Flynn
3 Tools for Phishing Attack Simulations
3 Tools for Phishing Attack Simulations

Phishing attacks have emerged as one of the leading types of cyberattacks today. These social engineering tactics trick innocent victims into turning over sensitive or even confidential information. Phishing is becoming increasingly common, therefore requiring…

February 15, 2023 • Devin Partida
The Discord Data Breach: What Everyone Should Know
The Discord Data Breach: What Everyone Should Know

In 2021, Discord was hit by a big data breach. Here’s a look at what happened, how it succeeded, and what users should know.

February 11, 2023 • Shannon Flynn
Was Google Docs Hacked?
Was Google Docs Hacked?

In 2023, it’s a matter of research to uncover if any online venue is safe for users. So, was Google Docs hacked, and should businesses and individuals trust their files to remain safe in Google…

February 6, 2023 • Shannon Flynn
How to Secure Your Network Infrastructure System
How to Secure Your Network Infrastructure System

Network infrastructure refers to the physical and virtual components that support the operation of a computer network. This includes hardware devices such as routers, switches, firewalls and servers, as well as the software and protocols…

February 1, 2023 • Zachary Amos

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