6 Things Every Computer Science Major Should Know Before Graduating
6 Things Every Computer Science Major Should Know Before Graduating

Computer scientists are the people who shape the future. They are the ones who solve problems by using technology, make computers do amazing things by writing code and create the apps and webpages we use…

August 24, 2015 • Devin Partida
What We Can Learn From the Hacking Team Hack
What We Can Learn From the Hacking Team Hack

There is one word that strikes fear into the heart of government agencies and firms engaged in dealings of a secretive and questionable nature. “Hacktivism” has inspired decentralized groups of hackers dedicated to routing out…

July 27, 2015 • Devin Partida
What You Need to Know About the Latest Cyber Attacks
What You Need to Know About the Latest Cyber Attacks

Toward the end of 2013, mega retailer Target’s point-of-sale systems suffered cyber attacks. Pundits say hackers gained access to the company’s networks after getting inside Target’s connected refrigeration system and then hopping over the network…

April 3, 2015 • Devin Partida
Recent Study Shows Employees Believe Productivity is More Important Than Security
Recent Study Shows Employees Believe Productivity is More Important Than Security

It’s an age-old issue, which has begun to reach a boiling point in the age of information: the inherent balance between productivity and security. Wherever there is productivity, there is compromise on security; and the…

September 29, 2014 • Devin Partida

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