5 Note-Taking Apps

January 6, 2015 • Devin Partida


Sometimes the app is mightier than the pen. Some of us just can’t write notes fast enough to keep up with our college professors. Some of us want to set reminders, but we always forget that handwritten note sitting in our pocket. Taht’s where note-taking apps come in.

Note-taking apps can help keep our lives in check without having to physically write notes. No more endless notebooks for class or writing a note in pen on your hand. These apps will help you be more productive.

You might say, “There’s so many apps out there! How do I know which one is right for me?” Don’t worry. We’ve compiled a list of note-taking apps that have unique features for every type of user. Check out the picks below and see which one fits you best.

1. Evernote

Evernote, with its “anytime, anywhere, anything” design, delivers with great finesse. It can essentially process and organize anything you enter. It breaks down tasks, allowing you to group notes together and create subnotes. It’s available for almost every popular platform – iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, and even Mac and Windows desktops.

Evernote isn’t just handy for text. You can also clip articles from the Web, take photos and save them for reference, scan handwritten notes and documents, and use its voice dictation service to record your voice to text. You’ll notice there’s a bit of a learning curve with Evernote, but it has the potential to be your go-to app everywhere.

2. Simplenote

The vast amount of Evernote’s features can make some of us overwhelmed. Have no fear. That’s where Simplenote can help you. Everything you type, cut and paste has the same font and format. It lets you tag notes to organize them. Then, you can sync your notes to your other platforms. Simplenote is a minimalist note-taker’s dream, but unless you desire a step above the bare minimum, use Simplenote with caution. It’s available for iOS, Mac, Android and Kindle, and it has a Web app, too.

3. Springpad

Don’t feel like organizing those notes? No problem – Springpad will do it for you right from the beginning. You decide what categories you need after you download the app. Springpad then guesses what you write, take a photo of or upload and places it into your premade categories. It’s available for iPhone, iPad and Android, and online as a Web app. The service’s newest update includes your Facebook friends’ likes and interests.

4. Microsoft OneNote

From a component of Microsoft Office to its own note-taking tool, OneNote has grown considerably. Unlike Evernote, it has no learning curve – you control all of its actions. While it’s not great for reminders and multimedia (which is where Evernote shines), it’s perfect for outlining and creating notebooks for specific subjects. You can also share your notebooks with others. OneNote is available for iPhone and Windows Phone 7, and also as a Web app.

5. SomNote

Create notes with the ability to attach documents. Friendly colored folders make organization a snap, and along with various in-app themes, allow for little personalization tweaks. Perhaps the most important feature of SomNote is that for every account, SomNote provides 100 MB of extra cloud storage for free. SomNote’s cloud storage function allows you to sync your notes on any device. If you’re prone to errors, SomNote saves earlier versions of notes in case you make a mistake or lose your most recent notes. It’s available on iOS and Android.

In today’s fast-paced world of technology, it’s easier than ever to become organized and take control of your life. These five note-taking apps give you the potential to create, manage and share notes anytime and anywhere. Forget about leaving your notes and lists at home – now you’ll always have somewhere to store them. Wave goodbye to disorganization, and say hello to productivity.
