Do you want to know how to be more efficient at work?
Every once in a while, you’ll come across the opportunity to brush up on your group project skills at work. Sure, you can put together a presentation and lead a meeting just fine, but sometimes a project requires people with different skill sets.
Group work has its ups and downs. Although you may groan at the thought of needing to depend on other people, it can bring out the best in everyone. It all depends on your attitude and mindset as the work begins. Make sure you’re in the right frame of mind so you achieve the best results possible.
Check out how to be more efficient in a team at work with these easy tips. Some may be a good reminder of what you can do to be there for your team members and encourage everyone to do their best.
1. Try to Stay Flexible
At the start of most team projects, people usually pick a role or job to complete. One person may jump at the chance to do graphic design while other people write scripts or calculate spreadsheets. It’s smart to contribute with your strongest skills, but try to stay flexible with your future role.
Someone could call out sick for a couple of days and not be able to turn in their work. Your team may discover last-minute additions that no one completed. If you can jump in to help, do it. Flexibility shows your team members how to lead and will encourage them that you have their backs.
2. Voice Your Helpful Opinions
As your team continues to work towards your goal, people will throw around opinions about what should and shouldn’t happen. It’s important to contribute to the conversation, but try to voice-only helpful opinions. Hurtful or sarcastic comments will only make people feel worse and create tension within the team.
If you need to address something negative, give positive constructive criticism that’s easy to hear and digest. Mention something you appreciate, discuss what could change and offer gentle feedback for the best results.
3. Commit to Do Your Best
Some team projects may span weeks or months. You may get tired of dealing with certain people in your team or focusing on the work at hand. In those moments, remember to commit yourself to do your best. You’re part of this team for a reason. You’re great at what you do and your team members need your help to cross the finish line.
4. Collaborate on Everything
A teammate may catch you in the office kitchen or down in the parking lot after work. They casually mention something they want to change about the project and you make a mental note to do it the next day.
The two of you agree it’s best and move on with your day, but everyone else needs to catch up to speed too.
Big and little changes need to be a group effort. The best way to do this is to use a communication tool where everyone gets notified about the project.
Send a message with your thoughts or questions for quick responses. It will also help to reflect on those messages if someone forgets something or needs clarification.
5. Deal With Issues Privately
Even if you do your best to make sure everything goes smoothly, sometimes problems arise within a team. It may be due to miscommunication or personal problems invading the workspace. No matter what the issue is, it’s best if you communicate privately about the problem to avoid making it bigger than it already is.
Take your coworker aside and address any issues as soon as you can. Letting problems simmer allows them to grow and affect everyone around you. Stay calm and respectful to solve any problem and get back to work.
6. Inspire Your Teammates
Sometimes a big project drains the people in your group. They may tire of doing the same thing for weeks or lose sight of their goals. That’s when you can inspire them to work together be reframing their perspective. Send everyone quotes to read or celebrate daily achievements with a group email. If they feel seen and appreciated, inspiration won’t be far behind.
Ask How You Can Help
You can be more efficient at work with your team members if you use these tips and always ask how you can help. Your coworkers may not feel confident enough to ask questions or get your assistance, so be there for them. Talk things out, address issues privately and always keep up your communication so everyone succeeds together.
Follow these tips and you’ll learn how to be more efficient at work!
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