Once upon a time, employees had no choice but to trek to and from the office each day. Nowadays, though, flexible working conditions and enhanced technology allow many of us to log in from anywhere. And the telecommuting productivity statistics are surprising.
Whether you’re a telecommuter — or you’re trying to convince your boss that you should become one — you may be faced with the belief that working remotely will equate to decreased productivity.
We’re here to help you make your argument with the following four telecommuting productivity statistics that show just how much of a good thing that telecommuting can be for you and your company:
1. 3.9 million U.S. workers — 2.9 percent of the country’s workforce — work from home at least some of the time
This 2017 statistic is perhaps even more impressive considering it’s a 115 percent increase in telecommuters since 2005. Starting with this telecommuting productivity statistic is important because it gives an idea of the scope of remote workers in the U.S.
Even if it’s a foreign concept in your company, it’s not in many others throughout the country. So, use this one as an introductory statistic as you try to plead your telecommuting case — everyone’s doing it.
2. The above-mentioned employees who telecommuted saved employers a collective $44 billion per year
Here’s another good point to use to sway your boss. If you’re working from home, you reduce the number of resources the company needs to keep your workspace up and running during the day. Imagine if everyone stayed home and worked one day a week — there’d be no need for lighting, air-conditioning, cleaning crews… the savings could be huge.
You could also argue that working from home would save on insurance costs, too, since it promotes a healthier lifestyle. With a flexible schedule, employees can get up and move in the middle of the day, which keeps them in good shape.
And, the more we take care of ourselves, the less we need to rely on that insurance policy for good health. Your manager might like to hear that, too.
3. Forty-six percent of telecommuters maintain normal working hours
Perhaps the thought of telecommuting has your boss thinking that no one will log on when they’re supposed to. However, a good portion of remote workers do, indeed, maintain traditional hours.
Of course, you could make the argument that, sometimes, telecommuters do better productivity-wise because they don’t adhere to a strict schedule. Sure, waking up at the same time and committing to the same schedule can help improve your output each day. But the beauty of creating your own hours is that you can adjust them to match when you’re most productive.
So, morning people can log on early, long before they would if they commuted to work. And, those who feel more creative in the evenings can pause work during their slower parts of the day and take advantage of boosted nighttime brainpower.
4. More than 65 percent of managers say that those who work from home are more productive
Here’s the kicker — most of those who manage telecommuters say that they get more done when they work remotely. Perhaps you worry that you’ll fall into the smaller portion of this statistic and become the person who does less when they’re not in the office.
Fortunately, there are ways to combat distractions and get more done than you would in a traditional work environment.
For some remote workers, it’s as simple as dedicating a room as their office and using it for nothing but work. That way, when they walk in, their brain knows it’s time to focus. Taking breaks throughout the day or calling to check in with co-workers can help refresh and rejuvenate you, too.
It’s vital that you stick to your set working hours, too — you shouldn’t use telecommuting as an excuse to work around the clock.
Start Telecommuting — Stat
These four telecommuting productivity statistics show that remote work is on the rise, and for good reason — it works for both employees and employers. So, make your pitch with these numbers, and, if you’re assigned to work remotely, take note, too.
You now have concrete evidence to explain why it’s a viable option and how your new setup is bound to boost your productivity.
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