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How Using Headphones Can Increase Productivity
Need to kick things up a notch at work? Maybe a pair of headphones might help — specifically, the noise-cancelling type. You might be wondering how noise-canceling headsets work since wouldn’t being noise-canceling mean reducing…
How To Use Your Chromebook To Access Windows Files
Google’s Chromebook proves good things come in petite, yet powerful packages. However, the gadget still has some limitations. Until recently, Chromebook users couldn’t easily access Windows files across shared networks. Since Windows files are so…
Google Home And Personal Productivity
First Apple had the best voice recognition program with Siri. Then Amazon blew that out of the water with Echo’s Alexa. Now Google is getting into the game. Home is Google’s newest product, which will…
Everything You Want to Know About the Mi Max
Whether you’re always the first to get new smartphone models, a late adopter or somewhere in between, you’ll likely be hearing about the Mi Max, a smartphone from Xiaomi — a Chinese company. The Mi…
6 Simple Workflow Tools That Will Make Your Day So Much Easier
When you have a job where people rely on you a lot, it can seem like things pile up quickly. Between your own projects, your team’s projects and everything in between, the end of the…
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