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Fitbit Badge List vs. the Apple Watch Award List
The Fitbit badge list and Apple Watch awards both have the same aim — motivating you to get on your feet. But each product has different nuances that make it unique. Learn about the difference…
Can You Afford to Charge a Tesla?
While it’s apparent that most electric vehicle owners pay less at the pump than people who drive gas-powered cars, how much does it really cost to charge a Tesla? It’s a bit complicated to stick…
How Long Does It Take to Charge a Tesla?
Teslas are some of the most recognizable electric cars on the road today — and for good reason. They have long ranges, are packed with features and some models are relatively affordable for a new…
What Is an ELD, and What Does It Mean for the IoT?
The internet of things (IoT) is seeping into virtually every aspect of our lives. While smart home gadgets may be the most recognizable of these technologies, connected devices are starting to pop up in workplaces,…
The Apple Car: Everything We Know So Far
Apple has a reputation for keeping its cards close to its chest. The electronics giant rarely releases many details surrounding its products until right before launch, but rumors still get out occasionally. One of the…
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