Get More Done During Your Commute

May 18, 2018 • Rehack Team


The morning commute can be such a drag. Traffic, boredom and extended amounts of time in the car can drive you crazy. It can feel like a massive waste of time because, depending on your commute, you can spend hours per day just sitting in your car.

According to a study done in 2012 by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, people with longer commutes suffer from higher blood pressure and bigger waistlines. You have less time to get home, fit in a good work-out, make a healthy dinner and focus on yourself.

With a longer commute, your lifestyle can feel more rushed because you have less time in the day — so you think. You can get more done, even in the car, by changing your mindset about your commute.

Don’t let yourself listen to the same old boring playlist or radio show every morning and afternoon. Find new ways to distract yourself from your commute, get more done and stimulate your mind. Try out the following 10 tips for making the most out of your commute.

1. Create Your Daily To-Do List

A morning commute is a perfect time to create your to-do list for the day. Thanks to smartphones, technology makes it more than possible to do this hands-free in the car. This will give you time to think about and prioritize specific tasks, so you’ll feel less rushed when you arrive at the office. Try an app like Wunderlist, Evernote or Dragon Dictation.

2. Shed Some of That Email Weight

Emails can bog you down, especially when it’s the Monday after the weekend. Use your time commuting to clean out your email inbox so you can focus on the critical things when you get to work. A clean inbox will decrease stress and improve productivity.

3. Listen to a Podcast

Continuing education is always smart because it will improve your growth in both your career and your personal life. Keep learning by listening to informative podcasts on your daily commute. They can amp you up, help you with personal challenges and inspire you to be a better version of yourself. Carefully choose the podcast that’s right for you, then get in the habit of listening to it in the car.

4. Learn a New Language

If you’re interested in learning Spanish, French or another language, this is the perfect time to download an online course. Duolingo and other apps make it possible to learn and master simple, straightforward techniques. Over time, you may even find a new passion.

5. Exercise

Feel like you’re a bit unhealthy because you can’t seem to find the time to exercise during the week? Turn your commute into exercise by walking or biking to work. You can also pack up your gym clothes to change into after a day at the office so you can jog home. This will make you feel better about commuting in general because you’ll become healthier in the process.

6. Listen to a Good Book

It can be hard to find the time or energy to read a good book after a long day at work and an even longer commute home — so it felt. You probably just want to kick back and relax. You don’t have to give up your book list only because you can’t find the time to tackle it. Download an audiobook version of a book you want to read, and you’ll have something to look forward to when you get in the car each morning and evening.

7. Make Overdue Phone Calls

Your commute is a convenient time to make those phone calls you’ve put off for the past few days. Strengthen your relationships, and return that call to grandma or your old college roommate. It’s easy to put these things off, but it’s just as important to nurture your relationships as it is to take care of yourself and your job.

8. Catch Up on the News

Listen to NPR or download another news app or podcast that will keep you up-to-date on current events. This will keep you well-versed and well-informed, and it will give you something to talk about with your friends, family and co-workers.

9. Sleep

Depending on your type of commute, you can use that time to catch up on rest. If you travel by train or subway, take a quick 15- to 20-minute nap to immediately refresh yourself for the remainder of your day. Never underestimate a power nap.

10. Meditate

Meditating can reduce stress and anxiety and give you a better outlook on your entire day. Use the alone time you have during your commute to focus on yourself. Download a few meditation apps that can soothe and relax your before your day begins.

Your daily commute doesn’t have to be a daunting task full of boredom, repetitiveness or wasted time. You have the power to use your time wisely, even when you’re in the car. So, do your research and find an interesting podcast to follow, download that book you’ve wanted to read or take the time to catch up with family and friends.

There are so many things you can do to utilize your commute time, so don’t look at it as wasted time. Take advantage of it and get more done during the day.
